Reading List for FIL217/FIL317, autumn 2014



Articles and talks


Primary sources


·         (Available from or

·          Lecture on Ethics. (10 p.)

·         Lectures on Aesthetics. In: Lectures & Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief. Ed. C. Barrett. (40 p.)

·         Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. (103 p.)

·          Philosophical Investigations §§1-417. (133 p.) [We recommend the revised 4th edition from 2009.]

·         On Certainty §§ 1-192. (27 p.)

·         In addition:

·         Lectures 1930-33. In: Mind 63-64 (1954-55). Ed. G.E. Moore. (pp. 312-315)

·         Lectures 1932-35. In: Wittgenstein's Lectures Cambridge, 1932-1935. Ed. A. Ambrose. (pp. 34-40; §§ 31-36)


Recommended reference work

H. Glock (1996): A Wittgenstein Dictionary. Oxford: Blackwell.