Pensum i GEOV106 Innf¿ring i kvart¾rgeologi (kan kj¿pes pŒ STUDIA):


Benn, D. I. og Evans, D.J.A. (2010): Glaciers & Glaciation. 2. utgave. Hodder Education ISBN: 978 0 340 905791.


Kap. 1 Introduction

Kap. 2 Snow, ice and climate

Kap. 7 Glacier and sea-level change

Kap. 8 Erosional processes, forms and landscapes

Kap. 9 Debris entrainment and transport

Kap. 10 Glacigenic sediments and depositional processes

Kap. 11 Sediment-landform associations

Kap. 12 Landsystems and palaeoglaciology




Nesje, A. (2012): Brel¾re. H¿yskoleforlaget. 2. utgave. ISBN13: 9788276349467