Curriculum for Inf389 (Selected topics in bioinformatics)

Autumn 2014


The focus of the course will be discussed with interested students at the beginning of the semester.


The course will be focused on bioinformatics for genomics including

-       high-throughput sequencing technologies including single cell sequencing

-       identification of variants

-       community profiling (cell types and species)

-       studies of expression and regulation

-       studies of modifications and interactions


The course will be based on a set of articles – mainly state-of-the art review articles – and the students are expected to prepare and present parts of the material.


Potential students include master and PhD students and post-docs. Others interested are encouraged to contact the lecturer.


The first meeting will be on August 19th from 1215. The lecturing time may be adjusted.


Inge Jonassen, August 4th, 2014