SANT 105

Maktens Uttrykk og tilsløringer


Pensumliste høsten 2014


Artikler på nett – artiklene finnes som pdf. Filer i fillageret til SANT105 på Mi Side, eller som URL lenke via biblioteket samme sted.

Kompendiet – kjøpes på Studie bokhandel, Studentsenteret

Bok - Political Anthropology: An Introduction (Lewellen, Ted C. 2003) kan kjøpes på Studia.

Monografi: Enforcing Order: An Ethnography of Urban Policing (2013) by Didier Fassin kan kjøpes på Studia.




Lewellen, Ted C. 2003. Political Anthropology. An Introduction.Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. (225 s.)

Fassin, Didier 2013. Enforcing Order: An Ethnography of Urban Policing, Polity (320 s.)



Barth, Fredrik 1990. The Guru and the Conjurer: Transactions in Knowledge and the Shaping of Culture in Southeast Asia and Melanesia, in Man New Series, 25: 4, 640-653. (13 s.)

Barth, Fredrik 1994. Enduring and emerging issues in the analysis of ethnicity, in Verheulen, Hans and Cora Govers eds. The Anthropology of Ethnicity, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 11-32. (22 s.)

Bourdieu, Pierre 1994. Structures, Habitus, Power: Basis for a Theory of Symbolic Power". Culture / Power / History. A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory, in Nicholas B. Dirks, Geoff Eley, Sherry B. Ortner (eds.), Princeton: Princeton University Press, 155-199 (44 s.)

Delaney, Carol 1995. Father State, Motherland, and the Birth of Modern Turkey, in Delaney, Carol and Sylvia Yanagisako (eds.). Naturalizing Power: Essays in Feminist Cultural Analysis. New York: Routledge, 177-199 (22 s.)


Fassin, Didier 2010. Inequality of Lives, Hierarchies of Humanity, in Feldman, Ilana and Miriam Ticktin (eds.) In the Name of Humanity. The Government of Threat and Care, Duke University Press, 238-256 (18 s.)

Ferguson, James 2004. Power Topographies, in A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics, David Nugent and Joan Vincent (eds.). Blackwell Publishing: Malden, pp.383-400 (17 s.)

Foucault, Michel. [1976] 1994. Two lectures, in Nicholas B. Dirks, Geoff Eley, Sherry B. Ortner (eds.), Culture / Power / History, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 200-221 (21 s.)

Scott, James. 1989. Everyday forms of resistance, in Forrest D. Colburn (ed.) Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. Armonk, NY: M.E.Sharpe, Inc., 3-33 (20 s.)

Vike, Halvard 2011. Cultural Models, power and hegemony, in A companion to cognitive anthropology, 376-392. (16 s.)

Wolf, Eric. 1999. Contested concepts, in Envisioning Power. University of California: Berkeley, 21-49. (28 s.)

Wolf, Eric R. 2001. Facing power-old insights, in Pathways to power: Building an Anthropology of the Modern World. Berkley: University of California Press, 383-397 (15 s.)

Weber, Max [1914]. The types of legitimate domination, in Classical Sociological Theory. C.Calhoun, J.Gerteos. J.Moody, S.Pfaff, I.Virk (eds.). Blackwell, 256-263 (8 s.)


ARTIKKLER PÅ NETT (E-artikler; krever UiB konto og pålogging)

Abu-Lughod, Lila 1990. The Romance of Resistance: Tracing Transformations of Power Through Bedouin Women, in American Ethnologist, 17(1): 41-55 (14 s.)

Anthony P. Cohen 1994. Culture, Identity, and the Concept of Boundary, in Revista de antropologia social, 3: 49–61 (12 s.)

Fassin, Didier 2011. Policing Borders, Producing Boundaries. The Governmentality of Immigration in Dark Times, in Annual Review of Anthropology, 40: 213-226 (13 s.)

Goodwin, Charles 1994. Professional vision, in American anthropologist: 606-633. (27 s.)

Gullestad, Marianne 2002. Invisible Fences: Egalitarianism, Nationalism and Racism, in Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S) 8: 45-61 (16 s.)

Mahmood, Saba 2001. Feminist Theory, Embodiment, and the Docile Agent: Some Reflections on the Egyptian Islamic Revival, in Cultural Anthropology 16 (2):202–236. (34 s.)


Malkki, Liisa 1996. Speechless Emissaries: Refugees, Humanitarianism, and Dehistoricization, in Cultural Anthropology, 11 (3), 377-404 (27 s.)

McNevin, Anne 2006. Political Belonging in a Neoliberal Era: The Struggle of the Sans-Papiers, in Citizenship Studies 10 (2): 135–151. (16 s.)

Nijhawan, Michael 2005. Deportability, Medicine, and the Law, in Anthropology &

Medicine, 12:3, 271-285 (14 s.)

Peteet, Julie 1994. Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian "Intifada": A Cultural Politics of Violence, in American Ethnologist, 21: 1, 31-49 (18 s.)

Rancière, Jacques. 2004. Who Is the Subject of the Rights of Man? In The South Atlantic Quarterly, 103: 2/3, 297-310 (13 s.)

Stolcke, Verena 1995. Talking Culture: New Boundaries, New Rhetorics of Exclusion in Europe, in Current Anthropology, 36: 1, 1-24 (24 s.)



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