Pensum Glob101




Tore Linné Eriksen og Karen Feldberg Utvikling; en innføring i utviklingsstudier

Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 335 sider, 2013





Ferguson, James: “Global Disconnect: Abjection and the Aftermath of  Modernismi Inda, J. X and R. Rosaldo The Anthropology of Globalization, Blackwell Publishing, 2002


Økonomi, utvikling og klimaendring i antropologiske perspektiver

Susan Crate’s "Gone the Bull of Winter" in Current Anthropology, Vol. 49, Number 4, August 2008 pp.569-591


Norgaard, Kari Marie "Prologue" & "introduction": The Failure to Act, Denial versus Indifference, Apathy and Ignorance (pages xiii-12) In: Living In denial: Climate Change, Emotions and Everyday Life.  MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts/London, England (2011)


Mehta, Lyla. (2007). Whose scarcity? Whose property? The case of water in western India, Land Use Policy, Volume 24, Issue 4, October 2007, Pages 654-663. (9pp)



Administrasjons- og Organisasjonsteori

David Booth and Diana Cammack.(2013). Goverance for development in Africa. Solving Collective Action Problems. Zed Books, London and New York. (ca. 150 sider).






Mulhearn, Chris og Howard R. Vane (1999): Kapittel 1, “Economics and the Economy”. I

Economics. Palgrave Macmillan. (24 sider)



Økonomisk globalisering

Forsyth, D., M. Huq og A. Clunies-Ross (2009): Kapittel 9, “Globalization: Trade, Trade Policy, International Economic Relations”. I Development Economics, McGraw Hill. (46 sider)


Hopper, Paul (2012): Kapittel 6, “Trade and Development”. I Understanding Development, Polity Press. (21 sider)


Gjeld og bistand

Hopper, Paul (2012) Kapittel 8, “Financing Development: Foreign Aid and Debt” I Understanding Development, Polity Press. (23 sider)


Miljø og utvikling

Hopper, Paul (2012) Kapittel  9, “Sustainable Developement” I Understanding Development, Polity Press. (22 sider)




Warwick Murray og John Overton (2014) «Geographies of Globalization».


(MERK: Foreleser har gjort en avtale med forlaget om at pensum skal nå studentene i god tid før forelesningene.)