RELVI250 - Systematisk religionsvitskap


Inger Furseth & Pål Repstad, Innføring i religionssosiologi. Universitetsforlaget: Oslo 2003: 11-52, 65-199 (175 s.). (OBS: Bare utdrag av boken) ISBN 978-82-15-00417-4 & 82-15-00417-2,


Morton Klass, Ordered universes. Approaches to the anthropology of religion. Westview Press: Boulder, San Francisco & Oxford 1995 (177 s.). ISBN 0-8133-1214-0


Nils G. Holm, Religionspsykologins grunder. Åbo Akademi, Åbo 2002 (189 s.). ISBN 952-12-1078-8.



RELVI250: Kompendium 

        Gregory D. Alles, «Exchange» i Willi Braun & Russell T. McCutcheon (red.): Guide to the study of religion. Cassell: London & New York 2000, 110-24.


        Jan Assmann, «Monotheism and polytheism» i Sarah Iles Johnston (red.): Religions of the ancient world. A guide. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass. & London 2004, 17-31.


        James A. Beckford and James T. Richardson, «Religion and regulation» i James A. Beckford & N. J. Demerath (red.): The SAGE Handbook of the sociology of religion. SAGE Publications: Los Angeles, London, New Delhi & Singapore 2007, 396-418.


        Gustavo Benavides, «Magic» i Robert Alan Segal (red.): The Blackwell companion to the study of religion. Blackwell: Malden 2006, 295-308.


        Pascal Boyer, «Why do gods and spirits matter at all i Ilkka Pyysiäinen & Veiko Anttonen (red.): Current approaches in the cognitive science of religion. Continuum: London & New York 2002, 68-92.


        David Chidester, «Colonialism» i Willi Braun & Russell T. McCutcheon (red.): Guide to the study of religion. Cassell: London & New York 2000, 423-37.


        Albert De Jong, «Historians of religion as agents of religious change» i Willem B. Drees & Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld (red.): The study of religion and the training of Muslim clergy in Europe. Academic and religious freedom in the 21st century. Leiden University Press: Leiden 2008, 195-218.


        Peter Kvisto, «Rethinking the relationship between ethnicity and religion» i James A. Beckford & N. J. Demerath (red.): The SAGE handbook of the sociology of religion. SAGE Publications: Los Angeles, London, New Delhi & Singapore 2007, 490-510.


        Adam Possamai, «Popular religion» i Peter Beyer & Peter Clarke (red.): The world’s religions. Continuities and transformations. Routledge: Abingdon & New York 2009, 479-92.


        Ian Reader, «Pilgrimage growth in the modern world: Meanings and implications» i Religion 37 (2007), 210-29.


        Martin Riesebrodt, «Religion in global perspective» i Mark Juergensmeyer (red.): The Oxford handbook of global religions. Oxford University Press: Oxford & New York 2006, 597-609.


        Michael Stausberg, «Sammenligning» i Siv Ellen Kraft & Richard J. Natvig (red). Metode i religionsvitenskap. Pax: Oslo 2006, 29-50.



Willi Braun & Russell T. McCutcheon (red.): Guide to the study of religion, Cassell: London & New York 2000 (xii, 560 s.). ISBN
