Emner: AORG351 Master's Thesis in Public Administration - Høst 2014







Mål og innhald

In writing the thesis you are required to pursue independent scientific work and presentation.

The Master's Thesis shall explore a topic/issue which is relevant to Administration and Organizational Science. It is required that the topic and research problem of the Master's Thesis takes its point of departure from the research agenda of the research groups which structures the research activities of the institute. It is also required that you follow the research seminar organized by your research group as an integral part of your work with your master´s thesis.


Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:



Krav til forkunnskapar

Fulfilment of general admission requirements for the Master of Philosophy in Public Administration Programme.

AORG320, AORG321, AORG322 and AORG323

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning

Individual and collective supervision and dissertation seminars

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Presentation of master thesis draft. The student shall at least once comment a draft from a fellow student. Approved compulsory requirements are valid for one semester and must be completed each semester the student is registered for the course.


The Master's Thesis shall be submitted in the fourth semester and the fixed date is June 1. in the spring semester. Submitting on a different date may be granted based on individual application.

The thesis must be submitted electronically in My Space, via AORG351 home page.


Grading A-F