Emner: BIO300 Biologisk dataanalyse og forsøksoppsett - Høst 2014









Mål og innhald

The course aims to give the students the background knowledge needed to plan a scientific study, carry out the correct and appropriate statistical analyses, and interpret and report the results.

The students will be introduced to the formulation of hypotheses, design of research projects, and statistical analyses.

The students will experience a wide range of statistical techniques used in ecology, evolutionary biology and systematics.

They will get practice with scientific reporting through keeping a record of methods and results based on sample data sets.

The course contains three modules:

1) Project report and presentation

2) Statistics

3) Ethics, scientific writing and speaking, critical reading


Module 1:

In this module, the students will get first-hand practical experience with all stages of a research project, from planning and experimental/sampling design via field work, data analysis, statistics, report writing and communication with relevant audiences through reports and presentations.

After having completed this module the students should be able to plan and carry out all stages of their own MSc research project.

Module 2:

In this module, the students will be given an introduction to study design and statistical analyses of biological data. Theory will be covered in lectures, and practical experience with data analysis using the computer programme R will be given in practicals.

After having completed this module the students should be able to design their own research projects effectively, and to analyse their own data using appropriate statistical methods.

Module 3:

In this module, the students will be introduced to the basics of writing scientific theses and articles, and of giving oral presentations of research results. The lectures will cover formal genre requirements including text structure, language, tables and figures, citations etc., as well as practical tips. The students will also be given practical experience through evaluating the writing handicraft in published articles, and through presenting their findings orally. Ethical challenges of doing science and being a scientist will be addressed in group discussions.

After having completed this module the students should be able to write up their own research projects in a thesis or article format, and they should be able to present their research results effectively in an oral presentation.

Krav til forkunnskapar

 Bachelor i biologi eller tilsvarende. Det er eit krav for opptak til emnet at du er tatt opp til masterprogram ved Institutt for biologi.

Tilrådde forkunnskapar


Krav til studierett

For oppstart på emnet er det krav om ein studierett knytt til eit masterprogram/Ph.d-utdanninga ved Det matematisk-naturvitskaplege fakultet, samt at du oppfyller ev opptakskrav

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Feltforsøk og presentasjoner. Godkjende obligatoriske aktivitetar er gyldig i 6 semester


Muntlige presentasjoner, rapport og skriftlig hjemmeeksamen på utleverte datasett.


Ved sensur av emnet vert karakterskalaen A-F nytta.


Mappeevaluering - kun eksamen i undervisingssemester.


Studentane skal evaluere undervisninga i tråd med UiB og instituttet sitt kvalitetssikringssystem.


Studiekonsulent studie@bio.uib.no