Emner: EUR105 European Union Institutions, Politics, and Policies - Høst 2024

Studiepoeng, omfang


Studienivå (studiesyklus)






Mål og innhald

"European Union Institutions, Politics, and Policies" aims at giving a good understanding of the polity, politics, and policies of the European Union. We will discuss the institutions of the EU and explore how they compare to government institutions of national political systems. Further, we will look at what the EU does. This means we will go through the range policies that the EU is to very different degrees involved in. We then discuss the theories that seek to explain the process of European integration. Was European integration fully under control of national governments or did it develop a dynamic of its own driven by the EU institutions themselves? Another important part of the course focusses on actors and how political parties, interest groups, and public opinion shape the politics of the EU.

Apart from covering the fundamental knowledge of institutions, policies, and actors, the course also takes an applied perspective by discussing issues that are currently salient in EU politics and inviting practitioners for guest lectures to provide an inside view of EU politics and policy-making.


A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes: 



General competence

Krav til forkunnskapar

Tilrådde forkunnskapar

EUR101 Introduction to European History and Politics


Full credit reduction with SAMPOL215

Krav til studierett


Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Form: Lectures and seminars

Hours per week: approximately 3

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Approved compulsory requirements has no time limit.


Portfolio assessment:

The portfolio will be assessed as a whole, and one final grade will be given.

The exam will be given in the language in which the course is taught.

The exam can be submitted in English, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish


Grading A-F


Assessment in teaching semester

A retake exam for either parts of the exam are arranged for students with https://www.uib.no/en/student/118764/absence-examvalid absence according to § 5-5 of the Study Regulations at UiB. If a retake exam are arranged for students with valid absence, students with the following results can also register:

 If you qualify for the retake exam and a retake exam is arranged for students with valid absence, you can register yourself in Studentweb after August 1.


The reading list will be ready before 1 July for the autumn semester and 1 Decemeber for the spring semester. 


All courses are evaluated according to UiB's system for quality assurance of education.


The Programme Committee is responsible for the content, structure and quality of the study programme and courses.  

Administrativt ansvarleg

Department of Comparative Politics at the Faculty of Social Sciences has the administrative responsibility for the course and the study programme.

