Emner: GEO217 Hydrologi, grunnvatn og geofarar - Høst 2018

Studienivå (studiesyklus)






Mål og innhald

This course introduces topics in physical geography related to the interaction between water, climate, landscape and society. It aims to provide the student with a better understanding of water as a geomorphic agent, and how hydrological systems and catchments are influenced by human activity and climate change on different spatial and temporal scales. The course has a focus on the dynamic processes in nature related to runoff, and the objective is to increase the ability of participants to identify and reflect on the interaction between nature and society in hydrological processes.

The course also aims to disseminate an understanding of how water flows above and below the ground, and how human activity can influence the flow conditions. Students will gain experience with collecting, analysing and presenting hydrological data. Furthermore, the course will discuss triggering mechanisms of hydro-meteorological geohazards, and the impact on society by fluvial- and slope-related processes following predicted man-made climate changes with increased precipitation, higher sea level and extreme weather events. We will also discuss how planning and management can be used by the society to adapt to water-related problems. The course will have a focus on a Norwegian context.


On completion of the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student


The student

General knowledge

The student

Krav til forkunnskapar

GEO110/GEO115, GEO111 and GEO112/ GEO113 or equivalent knowledge

Earth Science students: GEOV101, GEOV102 and GEOV110

Students with equivalent background to the prior knowledge requirement can contact the Department (studieveileder@geog.uib.no)

Krav til studierett


Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning

1-2 lectures/seminars á 2 hours pr. week

Total: 12-18 lectures/seminars.

2-4 days excursion/field course

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Compulsory excursion and field course


Portfolio assessment of three assignments: Assignment 1 (20%), assignment 2 (20 %), assignment 3 (60 %).




Assessment in teaching semester


GEO217 will be evaluated minimum every third semester

