Emner: GEO308 Vitenskapsteori og forskningsdesign for geografer - Vår 2018

Studienivå (studiesyklus)







Mål og innhald

This a course in theory of science for both physical and human geographers. Through this course students should get insights in, and be able to critically reflect upon, theory or philosophy of science perspectives and concepts and their implications for research design, as well as perspectives on the relation between science and society. The course aims to enable students to use such insights and critical reflections in their own work.

Krav til forkunnskapar

Knowledge about geography's history of ideas.

Krav til studierett

Enrolled in the Master Programme in Geography or the Master Programme in Development Geography.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

2 lectures á 2 hours pr. week.

Total: 5 Joint lectures for human and physical geography

2 lectures á 2 hours pr. week.

Total: 3 Parallel lectures for human and physical geography

Total: 8 lectures (24 hours) 6-8 weeks

2 parallel seminars for human and physical geography

1 Joint seminar for human and physical geography

Total: 3 seminars (6 hours) 3-4 weeks

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet


Home exam, 5 days


Grading A-F

Fagleg overlapp

GEO301 - 10 ects

GEO302 - 10 ects


Autumn and spring (last assessment in spring semester 2018, after that assessment only in autumn semester)


GEO308 will be evaluated minimum every third semester


Department of Geography
