Emner: GEO310 Skrivekurs og prosjektskildring - Høst 2018

Studienivå (studiesyklus)






Mål og innhald

The course get the student to start early with his/her master thesis through writing training and practical insight in the research process. The course aims at offering students more insight in the writing process behind a successful master thesis by working with a project proposal for the future master thesis. The project proposal forms the basis for the master thesis and the allocation of a supervisor.


Having completed the course the student should be able to:

Krav til forkunnskapar

Tatt opp på Master i geografi eller Master's in Development Geography.

Krav til studierett

Reserved for Master in Geography or Master's in Resources and Human Adaptations. GEO310 is obligatory for both Master's in Resources and Human Adaptations and Master¿s program in Geography.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Lectures, seminars and assignment in a 2 week intensive course in August/September.

Total: 4-5 lectures á 2 hours pr. week - 9 lectures

1 seminar with presentations in December


Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Two assignments: During the first phase of the course in August, a 'thought paper' (1-2 pages: first week) with the aim to elaborate theme, perspective and argument, and a project draft (4-6 pages: second week) which seeks to develop the project towards a scientific problem, including important references. Oral seminar presentation (30 minutes)


A project description of 10-12 pages, containing an elaborate description of theme, aim/justification of the project, scientific problem, and a brief outline of research design, methodology and planned schedule.


Grading: Pass/fail

Fagleg overlapp

GEO300 - 5 ects



Assessment in teaching semester


GEO310 will be evaluated minimum every third semester.


Department of Geography
