Emner: HIM111 Globale perspektiv på afrikansk historie - Høst 2014

Studienivå (studiesyklus)








Mål og innhald

The course aims at giving the students both a brief overview of African history as well as an in-depth understanding of the historical connections between the African continent and the rest of the world from c. 1500 until the present.


The course will particularly emphasize the cultural, political and religious interconnections between Eastern Africa and Africa south of the Sahara on the one side, and the Western World and the Middle East on the other. There will be a special emphasis on lasting internal structures versus successive external influences.


The course can be taken independently, or as part of the bachelor program in History, or as part of the line of study "History of the Middle East" within the bachelor program in History.



At the completion of the course, the student has advanced knowledge of some central themes from African history. The student has a critical awareness of the various scholarly views, explanations and theories concerning Africa's global connections, as well as central questions of methodology and source problems.



The student can discuss important problems in African history after c. 1500, using relevant academic terminology and discuss the historical presentation of it. The student is able to analyze historical literature and/or sources and draw independent conclusions on the basis of this analysis.


General competencies

The student is able to access an extensive academic literature, present knowledge and viewpoints from it, and to discuss historical problems in written form.

Krav til forkunnskapar

Tilrådde forkunnskapar

Proficiency in English is necessary.

Krav til studierett

The course is open for students at the University of Bergen

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning

The teaching is given in English in the form of lectures (normally 12). If resources are available, student seminars may be organized.

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet


The assessment is in the form of a 6 hour school examination. Students may choose whether to write their papers in Norwegian or English.


Grades will be set using a scale from A to F. F means failed.

Fagleg overlapp


The required reading list consists of approximately 1200 pages. All literature is in English.


The course will be evaluated regularly.




Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural studies and Religion, University of Bergen