Emner: INTH321A Experimental Epidemiology - Vår 2014



Studienivå (studiesyklus)

Master og PhD






Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin

Mål og innhald

This course addresses critical methodological aspects of clinical and field trials and a special effort is made to address trials that will measure the impact of relevant interventions against poverty related diseases, including HIV infection, diarrhoea and pneumonia. The lectures in the course cover the following: General principles of field trials, literature review: what & how to read, randomisation & blinding, review of basic statistics (Mean, SD, SE, 95%CI), proportions, 2X2 tables, trial size for adequate precision and power, cluster design, data management and study implementation, interaction & confounding, effect measures (Risk ratio, rate ratio, difference in means), relative risk reduction, measurement: validity & reproducibility, analysis plan, data exploration, baseline comparison, main effects, analysis of community-based studies, hypothesis tests & precision of effect, analysis of repeated outcomes, data collection (questionnaire design, field organisation, training & standardisation) & quality control, interpretation of negative trials and ethical aspects of clinical trials in developing countries.

The group work covers the development of proposal and protocol, the structure of baseline and main effect tables, randomisation & blinding.

The computer laboratory exercises include generating random numbers, calculating trial size, importing files, data exploration, baseline comparisons, main effects, adjustment for confounding, adjustment for confounding, sub-group analysis and interaction.


At the end of the module the student should be able to:

  • analyse clinical and field trial data-sets, also from community-randomised trials
  • Understand the principles behind adjustment for repeated measurement of outcomes in the same individuals
  • Identify interaction (in trials with stratified as well as un-stratified randomisation)
  • Be able to identify and adjust for any confounding effect (mainly relevant for trials with limited sample size).
  • Critically interpret published results from clinical/field trials, write a competitive research grant proposal for funding of a clinical/field trial.
  • Krav til forkunnskapar

    Students admitted to a Masters degree or PhD Programme may join this course (e.g. TropEd Europe network). Proficiency in English at a level corresponding to TOEFL 550 or IELTS 6.0 is required.

    Physicians and dentists specialising in epidemiology and public health and other health workers and managers who have already acquired basic skills in epidemiology and biostatistics and with special interest in experimental epidemiology (randomised clinical and field trials).

    Basic knowledge of epidemiology and biostatistics is required. Applicants are requested to describe their background, including that in epidemiology and biostatistics in their applications.

    Krav til studierett

    Ope for alle registrerte studentar på masternivå og / eller PhD-nivå ved Universitetet i Bergen.

    Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning

    Each day has a mixture of lectures and practical sessions. The course includes group work on specific topics as well as literature review. Most afternoons are dedicated computer laboratory for sample size estimation and data analysis.


    Groups of 4-5 students work together on a research grant proposal for funding of a clinical/field trial. Documented contribution to this proposal, which is presented in a plenary session is a prerequisite for taking the course examination. The course examination is in the form of an open-book 4-hour written test with 8-10 main questions, some with sub-sections. These 8-10 questions make up 60%-80% of the weight of the total exam score. The remaining 20%-40% of the total weight of the total exam score is constituted by the student´s response to specific questions pertaining to a scientific article reporting on a randomized controlled trial, an article which is handed out to the students the day prior to the course test. The complexity and length of this article and the number and level of complexity of the specific questions addressing the article decides whether it is weighted at 20%, 40% or somewhere in between.


    ECTS credits A-E (Fúil)



    1. Lecure notes/slides: Will be uploaded ahead of the copurse

    2. Field trials of health interventions in Developing Countries: A toolbox. 2nd. edition. Eds: Smith PG and Morrow RH. Macmillian Press Ltd. ISBN 0-333-64058-6. Can be purchased during course.

    Supplementary reading: Rothman K. J. Epidemiology: An Introduction. Oxford University Press. 2002. ISBN 0-19-513554-7


    Students evaluate the teaching according to the quality assessment requirements of the University of Bergen. The evaluation method is through an online questionnaire (My Space).


    Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin, Tlf: 55588560; e-post: studie.cih@.uib.no