Emner: JUS271-2-B Comparative Energy law - Renewable energy and energy market - Høst 2014






Autumn. Exams are held autumn and spring.

Mål og innhald

Goals and content:

The course will provide the students with knowledge on the rules governing production of energy from non-fossil sources (hydro, wind, waves, solar, geo and nuclear) and transportation and marketing of energy. The course will have an international and comparative perspective with emphasis on the regulation in Scandinavia, EU, USA and Australia. The regulation of petroleum production will not be covered in this course.


Energy law is an important discipline as energy production and distribution is pivotal to the functioning of the society and economic and social development. All major countries have in the last decades reformed their energy legislation according to new policy. A development from public or semi-public producers and distributors of energy with legal monopolies to privatization and market-organisation has taken place in most countries the last decades.


The course will give insight in basic principles for resource management, the relation between public interest and business and modern market instruments. Energy law is also at the very centre of environmental law and the question of sustainable development. The World is facing a great challenge in producing enough energy in a manner that does not lead to global warming and climate change.


The course concentrates on alternatives to fossil fuel and on the systems for effective distribution and use of energy.


The course will concentrate on basic principles and regulation systems. Central themes are:


The students shall at the end of the course have obtained knowledge on

Krav til forkunnskapar

Bachelor in law or equivalent (three years of legal studies)

Good level of English

Tilrådde forkunnskapar

Three years of legal studies

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning


Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

During the course the students shall write a final paper of maximum 2000 words on a subject chosen by the student. The paper counts for 50% of the final mark while the four hours exam count for 50%.


Exam each semester.


Four hours school exam. A - E for passed, F for failed.


Exam language

Question paper: English

Answer paper: English


Type of examination


Support materials allowed during exam:

See section 3-5 of the Supplementary Regulations for Studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen.


In addition: Material collection sold through Studia


Special regulations about dictionaries:


In case a student has a special need for any other combination than the above mentioned, such combination has to be clarified with/approved by the course coordinator minimum two weeks before the exam. Students who have not been granted permission to have a special combination minimum two weeks before the exam will be subject to the usual regulations (Section 3-5) about examination support materials.

Fagleg overlapp


According to administrative arrangements for evaluating courses at the Law Faculty


Course teacher: Professor http://www.uib.no/persons/Ernst.NordtveitErnst Nordtveit

Administrative contact: elective-courses@jurfa.uib.no