Emner: JUS273-2-C Law and Justice - Høst 2014






Combines successfully with JUS273-2-B, JUS273-2-A.

Mål og innhald

The course provides insight into international legal and political philosophy.


A central theme is the justification of law. Different theories of political justice and theories of the legitimacy of law are confronted with each other and discussed, both in a legal and an even broader perspective. The implications of these different theories for the concept of law and legal thinking are also considered.


The legitimacy of judicial review is a central question in the course. Basic knowledge of international legal philosophy, as presented in the course Legal philosophy, is recommended, but not required.


Based on the course the student should be able to


Krav til forkunnskapar

Three years of university studies

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning


Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet



Assessment methods

Exams are held in teaching semesters only. Students who completed the exam in the teaching semester, but did not achieve a pass grade, or who due to illness,pregnancy or other special circumstances were unable to sit the exam, are entitled to (re)sit the exam the following semester.


Four hours school exam.


A - E for passed, F for failed.


Exam language

Question paper: English

Answer paper: English


Support materials allowed during exam

See section 3-5 of the Supplementary Regulations for Studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen. 


Special regulations about dictionaries: 

According to the Regulations for Studies, one dictionary is permitted support material during the examination. Bilingual dictionaries containing for example both Norwegian-English and English-Norwegian are considered as one dictionary.


Bilingual dictionaries to/from the same two languages - for example Norwegian-English/English-Norwegian - in two different volumes are also considered as one dictionary (irrespective of publisher or edition).

Dictionaries as described above cannot be combined with any other types of dictionaries.


Any kind of combination which makes up more than two physical volumes is forbidden.


In case a student has a special need for any other combination than the above mentioned, such combination has to be clarified with/approved by the course coordinator minimum two weeks before the exam. Students who have not been granted permission to have a special combination minimum two weeks before the exam will be subject to the http://www.uib.no/en/jur/22852/supplementary-regulations-studies-faculty-law-university-bergenusual regulations (Section 3-5) about examination support materials.

Fagleg overlapp

Combined with JUS354 this course generates no new credits.



According to administrative arrangements for evaluating courses at the Law Faculty


Course teacher: Associate Professor Knut Martin Tande


Administrative contact: elective-courses@jurfa.uib.no