Emner: JUS276-2-A Human Rights Law: Special Focus on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Vår 2014




Autumn. (Exam each semester.)

Mål og innhald

In this course, economic, social and cultural human rights as formulated in international human rights instruments are in focus. The International Convention of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, etc, will be examined. What characterize the protection and content of socio-economic human rights, and how are they related to civil and political rights? Understanding of the human rights legal framework, the interrelatedness of different human rights, as well as understanding of the various human rights actors in relation to socio-economic rights (including non-state actors), is essential. An important part of the course is to examine state obligations following from various human rights instruments with regard to socio-economic human rights, e.g. with regard to health, education, adequate standard of living, social security. The course also offers insight into domestic comparisons when it comes to the implementation and fulfilment of socio-economic rights. The duty of non-discrimination is essential, as well as understanding of the tripartite state obligations (respect, protect, fulfil) in the context of socio-economic rights, and with regard to different groups. In particular, the course addresses problems for vulnerable groups, e.g. women and children, with regard to the enjoyment of socio-economic rights. In addition to substantial analysis of the content of various socio-economic rights, the course offers knowledge about the cultural dimensions of the human rights framework: what does it mean that human rights are "universal"? How do culture and traditions come into play? What are the responses to human rights from different cultural perspectives?

The course consists of lectures and paper sessions. Student participation in class discussion are expected. An individual paper (max 2000 words) must be presented in class and submitted for evaluation, as part of the final grade.


The course will enable the students to analyse, discuss and make decisions concerning basic socio-economic human rights, such as the rights to health, social services, education and work. An important objective is to train students in human rights argumentation in the field of socio-economic rights, e.g. with regard to the state obligations of non-discrimination and implementation of socio-economic rights in national laws and practices. The students should be able to analyse and solve legal problems in national law in light of the human rights instruments, discuss methodological issues, be able to present legal arguments in a balanced and reasonable way as well as discussing the overall human rights perspectives, both orally and in writing.

Krav til forkunnskapar

Three years of university studies.

Good English

Tilrådde forkunnskapar

Three years of law studies.

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning


Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

During the course, the students must hold a presentation and write a final paper (maximum 2000 words).

No such requirements in semesters without teaching.

NB! Autumn 2013: no such requirement.


Semesters with teaching: Paper 50 %, four hour school exam: 50 %.

NB! Autumn 2013: school exam only.

Semesters without teaching: Four hour school exam.

Marks: A - E for passed exam, F for failed exam.


Exam language:


Support materials allowed during school exam:

See section 3-5 of the Supplementary Regulations for Studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen.

In addition:

- Compendium for sale at Studia Bookstore

- Folkerettslig tekstsamling (Buflod, Sannes, Aasebø)

- Global and European Treaties (Fauchald/Tuseth (red))


Special regulations about dictionaries:



Fagleg overlapp

Combined with JUS360 this course generates no new credits.



According to administrative arrangements for evaluating courses at the Law Faculty.


Course teacher: Professor Henriette Sinding Aasen

Administrative contact: elective-courses@jurfa.uib.no