Emner: JUS281-2-A Comparative Constitutional Law - Høst 2014







Mål og innhald

Course Description: This course introduces students to the study of constitutional law through the lens of comparative law. The course will provide a foundation for a structural approach to constitution making and constitution interpretation. By using a comparative approach students will examine the possibilities and limits of modern constitutions. The course will include the study and evaluation of the role of judicial review, individual freedoms, separation of powers, centralization of decision making, pluralism and the protection of democratic principles.

Purpose: Globalization and the development of new nations and expanding economics require lawyers to understand competing constitutional structures, principles, and limitations if they are to effectively represent their public or private clients. Lawyers must go beyond domestic law and should be aware of constitutional trends in order to assess and evaluate foreign or transnational developments when advising public institutions or business clients. The course will also encourage students to evaluate the foundation of individual legal systems, to study the competing cultures in the world and how they address similar problems and to assess the role of adjudicatory bodies in judicial review and constitutional interpretation. Finally, the course will address a number of questions related to social welfare and personnel freedoms and how these issues are considered in emerging and traditional constitutions.

Coverage: Topics to be covered in the course are the following:

Krav til forkunnskapar

Three years of university studies

Tilrådde forkunnskapar

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning


Students will be expected to attend class and participate in class discussions.

Schedule: Class schedule reflect 2 hours (45 minutes per hour)

Session 1 Introduction to comparative constitutional law, why study comparative constitutionalism, rule of law, historical and contemporary constitutional structures, written and unwritten constitutions.

Session 2 Role of the judiciary, judicial review, constitutional adjunication, standing, justiciability, constitutional interpretation, foreign and comparative materials.

Session 3: Historical constitutions, basic frameworks, primary components, separation of power and federalism,

Session 4: Emerging national constitutions, current frameworks and principles.

Session 5: Pluralism and constitutional guarantees of democracy

Session 6: Freedom of expression, comparative perspective of free speech, freedom of religion, church and state

Session 7: Equality, individual, minority and group rights, dignity and privacy

Session 8: Economic rights, regulation, contracts, choice of occupation, and social welfare rights.

Session 9: Due process, comparative systems, trials, protections, responsibilities and rights.

Session 10: Conclusion, evaluation, summary and course review.

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet


Semester with teaching:


Semester without teaching:

A four hours written school exam


Grading: A - E for passed, F for failed. 


Exam language:

- Question paper: English

- Answer paper: English


Support materials allowed during school exam:

See section 3-5 of the Supplementary Regulations for Studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen.


Special regulations about dictionaries:



Fagleg overlapp

No academic overlapping with courses at the Law Faculty in Bergen.



According to administrative arrangements for evaluating courses at the Law Faculty


Course teacher: Guest Professor Larry Bakken

Administrative contact: elective-courses@jurfa.uib.no