Emner: KJBIOREF Bioraffineri - teknologi og anvendelser - Høst 2018







Mål og innhald

1. Basics of a biorefinery technology
2. History of biorefinery and comparison with conventional petroleum refinery
3. Classification and definition of biorefineries
4. Industrial aspects
5. Co-production of industrial platform chemicals and innovative energy carriers from biomass
6. Validation criteria of sustainability of a biorefinery
7. Selected examples


To introduce the students to the idea of biorefining which is the sustainable processing of biomass into a

spectrum of bio-based products (food, feed, chemicals, materials) and bioenergy (biofuels, power and/or


After reading the course, the student should be able to:
- evaluate the aspects of feedstocks, products, technology and processes of different biorefinery concepts,
- discuss the potential of biofuels in a future energy system, including 1G and 2G,
- describe the major components of lignocellulosic raw materials,
- explain their conversion pathways for biofuels, platform chemicals,
- identify strengths and limitations for the different processes and products.

Krav til forkunnskapar

KJEM130, KJEM131 or equivalent organic chemistry background

Tilrådde forkunnskapar

KJEM231, KJEM203 or equivalent organic chemistry and petroleum chemistry background

Krav til studierett

The course will be open for students at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The students also need to fulfil the prerequisites for the course.

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning

Intensive teaching in two blocks estimated to be 20 hours of lectures each. The students write a project thesis in between the teaching blocks.

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Project, included oral presentation. Compulsory work is valid for six following semesters


Written exam (4h). In case of 5 students or less candidates registred, the examination may be oral. Compulsory work is valid for six following semesters.


The grading scale used is A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade in the grading scale, grade F is a fail.


Autumn (examination in January)


Evaluation is conducted according to the quality assurance system at University of Bergen.



Please contact the Department of Chemistry: mailto:studieveileder@kj.uib.nostudieveileder@kj.uib.no / mailto:post@kj.uib.nopost@kj.uib.no