Studieprogram: MAPS-GLODE Masterprogram i Global Development Theory and Practice - Vår 2018

Namn på grad

Master's Programme in Global Development Theory and Practice

Omfang og studiepoeng

The master's programme is two years (120 ECTS)





Studiestart - semester


Mål og innhald

The aim of this master's programme is to train advanced professionals in the field of Global Development Theory and Practice with specialisation in either health promotion or gender in global development. The overarching objectives for both specializations are to provide the students with in-depth understanding of:


Specialisation in health promotion

The aim of this specialisation is to give the student expertise in health promotion theory and practice in the context of global development. The general approach of all aspects of the health promotion specialisation is a resource-based perspective. The specialisation includes the 10 ECTs module on Foundations of Health Promotion and either a 60 ECTs thesis researching a health promotion subject or 30 ECTs internship plus 30 ECTs thesis on a health promotion topic.


Specialisation in gender in global development

The aim of this specialisation is to give the students expertise in gender and feminist analysis and enable them to take a critical and reflective perspective on the significance of gender in the context of global development. Focus is put on gendered power relations and vulnerabilities as well as processes of empowerment and social change. The specialisation includes the 10 ECTs module on Gender Analysis in Global Development - Core Perspectives and Issues and either a 60 ECTs thesis researching a gender and global development subject or 30 ECTs internship plus 30 ECTs thesis on a gender and global development topic.


In both specialisations, qualitative or quantitative research methods will be taught, and may be used by students depending on thesis topics. All students are integrated into the Department Research Groups, and many will undertake thesis research that is part of the Advisor's research activities. Research ethics is an integral part of learning.


On completion of the programme the candidate should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:



The student:




The student:


General competence

The student:



Prospective students for the Master's Programme in Global Development Theory and Practice must have obtained an undergraduate degree or Bachelor's degree of at least 3 years' duration at a recognised institution in either social or health sciences, or have an equivalent educational background. The applicants must document special competence equaling one and a half years of study (90 ECTS) in a field or specialisation relevant for the study of global development theory and practice.

For international applicants a minimum of 2nd Class, Upper Division or the equivalent on the Bachelor's degree is normally required in order to be considered for admission. For Norwegian applicants the requirement is an average of C or above on the courses of specialisation.

As English is the language used in teaching, examinations and the thesis, applicants for both specialisations must document proficiency in the English language, in accordance with requirements.

All applicants must present a letter of motivation with the application (written in English) , demonstrating their reasons for applying to this particular programme, and what they would like to achieve in the course of the 2 years' study period.



Applicants are firstly ranked according to their academic results, based on the grades in the specialisation in their Bachelor's degrees.

The second criterion taken into consideration when ranking candidates is depth and relevance of work experience.

Thirdly, applicants for the specialisation in Gender in Global Development who have a gender studies component in their Bachelor Specialisation will be given priority, although such a component is not required. Similarly, applicants for the specialisation in Health Promotion who have a health promotion-related component in their Bachelor Specialisation will be given priority, but such a component is not required.

Fourthly, considerations will be taken to ensure diversity of the student pool.

Obligatoriske emne

GLODE301 Critical Perspectives on Global Development (20 ECTS)

GLODE302 Introduction to methodology (10 ECTS)

GLODE307 Development practice (10 ECTS)

GLODE303 Qualitative methods and research planning (10 ECTS) OR

GLODE304 Statistical analysis and research planning (10 ECTS)


GLODE310 Internship (30 ECTS) and GLODE330Master's thesis (30 ECTS)


GLODE360 Master's thesis (60 ECTS)


Health Promotion:
The specialisation includes the 10 ECTs module on Foundations of Health Promotion and either a 60 ECTs thesis researching a health promotion subject or 30 ECTs internship plus 30 ECTs thesis on a health promotion topic.



Gender in Global Development:

The specialisation includes the 10 ECTs module on Theoretical Perspectives and Gender Analysis in Global Development - Core Perspectives and either a 60 ECTs thesis researching a gender and global development subject or 30 ECTs internship plus 30 ECTs thesis on a gender and global development topic.

Tilrådde valemne

Rekkefølgje for emne i studiet

1st semester:

2nd semester:



3rd semester:


4th semester:




3rd and 4th semester:


The programme combines different forms of teaching and educational tools, including lectures, seminars, workshops and other student active methods. Digital teaching methods are also employed. Emphasis is placed on developing students' ability to read critically their own and others work, and on developing their academic writing skills.


The students will be subject to different forms of assessment such as annotation, term paper, reflection paper, oral presentation, take-home exam, and master's thesis.


Two grading scales are used:

1) A-F

2) Pass/not pass


See the course descriptions of the specific courses.

Grunnlag for vidare studium

A master's degree in Global Development Theory and Practice may qualify the student for further studies at PhD level




Relevans for arbeidsliv

A Master's degree in Global Development Theory and Practice Development gives the candidate broad competence in the development field, and qualifications for employment in a broad spectrum of local, regional, nation and international development aid organisations (the UN, national development agencies and NGOs), as well as in different parts of national and local public administration. All students who complete the programme satisfactorily will be qualified for public and private positions that require entry-level skills in development programme planning, implementation and evaluation, related to their specialisation in either health promotion or gender and development. Graduates of the programme will have demonstrated skills in interdisciplinary teamwork and will know how to build, participate in and manage teams with members from different professional backgrounds, and from community organisations. Graduates will also be qualified to work as research assistants both in industry and in the public sector. Students with superior performance in the programme may be qualified for further academic work, including doctoral study.



The course will be evaluated in accordance with the Faculty of Psychology's routines for participatory evaluation and the University of Bergen's Quality Assurance System.

Administrativt ansvarleg

Department of Health Promotion and Development, The Faculty of Psychology.