Studieprogram: MASV-PUBAD Master's Programme in Public Administration - Vår 2018

Namn på grad

The master's programme leads to the degree Master of Philosophy in Public Administration. It is a two year programme (120 ECTS credits).

Omfang og studiepoeng

The Master Degree in Public Administration is equivalent to four semesters of study after completion of an undergraduate degree.

In the first semester, i.e. the autumn semester (August-December), students are required to complete two compulsory courses/seminars, in Organization and Politics (AORG320) and Methodology (AORG321).

In the second semester (January-June), students are required to complete two seminars whereas Research Design (AORG322) is compulsory and the students can chose one of the following courses Research Field (AORG323) or Scandinavian Public Administration (AORG324).

In the second semester there will be an assessment of students´ ability to continue with the program.



Studiestart - semester

Autumn (August)

Mål og innhald

The objective of the Master of Philosophy in Public Administration (MPA) is to enhance the students' ability to conduct independent analyses of organizations, political and administrative structures and processes, and public policy. The programme strengthens students' analytical skills and provides a comprehensive training in methodology. Participation in various seminars and individual writing ensure that the motivation for and ability to work independently in an academic or a professional setting is enhanced.

The MPA Programme is equivalent to four semesters of study after completion of an undergraduate degree.

The programme is aimed at international self-financed students.

Exchange students under the Erasmus agreement and other guest students who fulfill academic requirements may on application be admitted to one or more courses in the programme.


A candidate who has completed his or her programme should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:



The candidate



The candidate


General competence

The candidate


Work relevance

Through scientific work and presentations students will have developed analytical skills and competence to work with and carry out research on organizational issues, democracy, politics, administration and service delivery. The competences acquired throughout the MPA are well suited for positions where organizational design and leadership are required, but also for management in public administration, private firms and voluntary organizations. The student will also be able to give advice on organizational issues in the private and public sectors.



In order to be admitted to the M-Phil programme in Public Administration applicants must normally have obtained an undergraduate degree or Bachelor's degree of 4 years' duration, or have an equivalent educational background. The undergraduate degree must include 1, 5 years of full-time studies in relevant courses such as:


All candidates will also be selected on the basis of achievements in previous studies. Admission is competitive; applicants should have excellent academic records. Minimum 2 nd Class, Upper Division/B or the equivalent is normally required in order to be considered for admission.


Teaching and supervision is conducted in English, applicants from non-English speaking countries must provide documentation of English language proficiency. If you are a native English speaker you are not required to provide a proficiency test. You are considered to be a native speaker of English if you are from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, The UK, USA or South Africa.


Non-native English speakers must document their English language proficiency

Who can apply?


Students who fulfill the academic requirements can apply. We welcome self-financing students with relevant academic background.

Obligatoriske emne

AORG320 Methodology
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 1.

AORG321 Organization and Politics
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 1.

AORG322 Research Design
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 2.

AORG323 Research Field
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 2.

AORG 351 Master's Thesis Compulsory
ECTS credits: 60
Term: 3. - 4.
Examination: Hand in Thesis

Tilrådde valemne

Autumn (August)

Omfang masteroppgåva

During the second year (3.rd. and term), the students write the AORG351 Master's Thesis in close collaboration with their supervisors. Dissertation seminar may be arranged depending on the needs and progress of thesis of the students. The Master¿s Thesis shall be submitted in the fourth semester and the fixed date is June 1. in the spring semester. Submitting on a different date may be granted based on individual application. The length of the AORG351 Master's Thesis is normally stipulated to 100 typed pages, using 1,5 line spacing and fonts size 12.

Rekkefølgje for emne i studiet

The purpose of the M-Phil programme is to enhance students´ ability to conduct independent analyses of organizations, political and administrative structures and processes, and public policy. The programme strengthens students' analytical skills and provides a comprehensive training in methodology. Participation in various seminars and individual writing ensure that the motivation for and ability to work independently in an academic or a professional setting is enhanced.

The M-Phil Degree in Public Administration is equivalent to four semesters of study after completion of an undergraduate degree.

The programme is aimed at international self-financed students.

Exchange students under the Erasmus agreement and other guest students who fulfill academic requirements may on application be admitted to one or more courses in the programme.

Programme structure

In the first semester, i.e. the autumn semester (August-December), students are required to complete two compulsory courses/seminars, in Organization and Politics (AORG318) and Methodology (AORG319).

In the second semester (January-June), students are required to complete two compulsory seminars, viz. the seminars in Research Design (AORG322), and Research Field (AORG323).In the second semester there will be an assessment of students´ ability to continue with the program Organization and Politics
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 1. Methodology
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 1. Research Design
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 2.

AND Research Field

ECTS credits: 15

Term: 2.

AORG 351 Master's Thesis Compulsory
ECTS credits: 60
Term: 3. - 4.
Examination: Hand in Thesis


Combination of essay, School exam, home exam, oral exam and submission of a thesis


Grading A-F


Coordinators of the Master Programme in Public Administration are Associate Professor Steinar Askvik and Associate Professor Ishtiaq Jamil.

Administrativt ansvarleg

Dept. of Administration and Organization Theory

Christiesgt. 17, N-5007 Bergen


tel: + 4755582190

fax: + 4755589890


Du søkjer opptak til Det samfunnsvitskaplege fakultet. Søknadsfristen er 1. juni for studiestart i august og 1. november for studiestart i januar. Viss du har utdanning avlagt utanfor UiB som inngår i det faglege opptaksgrunnlaget for masterprogrammet, må du søkje om innpassing innan

1. mai/ 1. oktober. Det gjeld også utdanning som blir avslutta i inneverande semester. Meir informasjon om opptak og søknadsprosedyrar finn du på

Mål og innhald

The purpose of the Master Programme in Public Administration is to enhance students´ ability to conduct independent analyses of organizations, political and administrative structures and processes, and public policy. The programme strengthens the student's analytical ability and provides a comprehensive training in methodology. Participation in various seminars and individual writing ensure that your motivation for and ability to work independently in an academic or a professional setting is enhanced.

The Master Degree in Public Administration is equivalent to four semesters of study after completion of an undergraduate degree.

All teaching is conducted in English.

In the first term of study, the autumn semester (August-December), you are required to complete the compulsory seminars, i.e. the seminars in AORG320 Methodology, AORG321 Organization and Politics. In the second term (January-June), you complete a compulsory seminar in AORG322 Research Design and AORG323 Research Field Seminars as a minimum.

During the second year (3.rd. and term), you write the AORG351 Master's Thesis in close collaboration with your supervisor. Dissertation seminar may be arranged depending on the needs and progress of thesis of the students. The Master´s Thesis shall be submitted in the fourth semester and the fixed date is June 1. in the spring semester. Submitting on a different date may be granted based on individual application. The length of the AORG351 Master's Thesis is normally stipulated to 100 typed pages, using 1,5 line spacing and fonts size 12.

This programme is designed for foreign students.


In order to be admitted to the Master Programme in Public Administration, an applicant must have obtained an undergraduate degree based on three years of studies or more from a recognized university. The undergraduate degree must include relevant courses in political science, public administration, and/or organization theory equalling a minimum of 1,5 years of full-time studies. Priority will be given to candidates with a major in public administration or political science. The Faculty of Social Sciences selects applicants in co-operation with the Department of Administration and Organization Theory.

The Master Programme in Public Administration is aimed at foreign students under Quota scholarship schemes and international self financed students.

Exchange students under the Erasmus/Socrates agreement and other guest students who are qualified academically may on application be admitted to one or more courses in the programme.

Applicants must provide documentation of English language proficiency

Krav til forkunnskapar

In order to be admitted to the Master Programme in Public Administration, an applicant must have obtained a university degree based on either (a) three years of studies or more from a recognized non-Norwegian university or (b) a Bachelor- or cand. mag.-degree or comparable education recognized by the Department of Administration and Organization Theory. The undergraduate degree must include relevant courses in political science, public administration, and/or organization theory equalling a minimum of 1,5 years of full-time studies. These formal entrance requirements are identical to the minimum requirements that apply for admission to the Norwegian Master Programme in Administration and Organizational Theory. Priority will be given to candidates with a major in public administration or political science. The Faculty of Social Sciences selects applicants in co-operation with the Department of Administration and Organization Theory.

The Master Programme in Public Administration is aimed at foreign students under the NORAD and Quota scholarship schemes and international self financed students.

Exchange students under the Erasmus/Socrates agreement and other guest students who are qualified academically may on application be admitted to one or more courses in the programme.

Applicants must provide documentation of English language proficiency.


The programme is characterised by pluralism of methodology. You will be introduced to critical issues in the philosophy of the social sciences and the methodological basis for selecting science research. You will receive training in different research strategies and have the possibility to choose between different methods particularly relevant to the theme and empirical foundation of your thesis.


AORG320 Methodology
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 1.

AORG321 Organization and Politics
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 1.

AORG322 Research Design
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 2.

AORG323 Research Field
ECTS credits: 15
Term: 2.

AORG 351 Master's Thesis Compulsory
ECTS credits: 60
Term: 3. - 4.
Examination: Hand in Thesis


During the second year (3.rd. and term), you write the AORG351 Master's Thesis in close collaboration with your supervisor. Dissertation seminar may be arranged depending on the needs and progress of thesis of the students. The Master´s Thesis shall be submitted in the fourth semester and the fixed date is June 1. in the spring semester. Submitting on a different date may be granted based on individual application. The length of the AORG351 Master's Thesis is normally stipulated to 100 typed pages, using 1,5 line spacing and fonts size 12.

Oppbygging av studiet

The Master Degree in Public Administration is equivalent to four semesters of study after completion of an undergraduate degree.

In the first term of study, the autumn semester (August-December), you are required to complete the compulsory seminars, i.e. the seminars in AORG320 Methodology, AORG321 Organization and Politics. In the second term (January-June), you complete a compulsory seminar in AORG322 Research Design and AORG323 Research Field Seminars as a minimum.


Studiet skal gi deg godt grunnlag for arbeid ved universitet eller høgskolar, forskingssenter, offentlege organisasjonar
og byråkrati, private organisasjonar og bilaterale og multilaterale støtteorganisasjonar.




Coordinators of the Master Programme in Public Administration are Associate Professor Steinar Askvik and Associate Professor Ishtiaq Jamil.

Administrativt ansvarleg

Dept. of Administration and Organization Theory

Christiesgt. 17, N-5007 Bergen


tel: + 4755582190

fax: + 4755589890

Contact person: Olga Mjelde

Tel: +4755589449

Meir informasjon

E-post: Tlf.: 55 58 21 90