Studieprogram: MASV-SADE Master's Programme in Anthropology of Development - Vår 2014


English - The programme requires fluent English both in writing and orally.

Mål og innhald

The MPHIL in the Anthropology of Development at the University of Bergen is born out of the Department of Social Anthropology´s strong international profile and pioneering role in shaping development-related research. It is intended for students wishing to pursue a critical study of the complex historical, economic, political and cultural processes of transformation in the Post-colonial World. Focusing on the anthropology of development the degree is an ideal preparation for research work in social anthropology and for those considering a career in the development field broadly defined. Applications are welcome from both candidates with a good BA degree in social anthropology seeking to extend their proficiency, and candidates with related degrees in the social sciences and humanities, who would like to convert to social anthropology.

The programme aims to provide the basic tools for addressing critical issues of globalization particularly as they affect the South, by linking method and theory in anthropology with the detailed case material and thematic studies that emerges from field research. In particular, the programme addresses the ways in which anthropologists have theorised social and economic change, as well as the history and ethical implications of their practical engagement with development intervention both during the colonial and post-colonial era. Through examination of detailed ethnographies it seeks to demonstrate the links between economic and political processes, changing identities and development intervention in a range of geographical contexts. The programme also provides training in multidisciplinary approaches connecting anthropology to disciplines like ecology, demography, medicine, economics, political science and history. To further these objectives and to foster truly research-based training, all students carry out field research in a non-Western country. The programme´s broad international orientation aims to strengthen national institutions in the South and to expand north-south and south-south collaboration in research and education.



- Acquire a firm grounding in advanced anthropological theory and method, in particular as these are applied to the understanding of social transformation in the post-colonial world.

- Exercise critical analysis, synthesis and reflection that enable students to identify the biases and assumptions that underlie representation - including their own - of social phenomena like globalization, development, poverty etc.

- Awareness of the major problems and difficulties encountered in attempts to apply these methods and theories to actual situations.

Intellectual and Practical Skills

- Exercise independent judgment and demonstrate the ability to question accepted opinion.

- Participate in class discussions with co-students and with teachers.

- Relate respectfully to all co-students and teachers regardless of gender, age, religion and cultural background.

- Resolve conflicting issues between personal beliefs and ethical considerations.

- Present findings orally from reading and research to peers in seminars in a coherent and persuasive manner.

- Exercise critical judgment and evaluation of secondary information and argument in written essays that explore the analytic and theoretical issues involved in a particular topic.

- Design research proposals

- Employ a variety of methodological techniques through practical exercises

- Conduct through fieldwork an in-depth study of different aspects of social life and its transformations, to be analyzed in a dissertation rooted in rigorous methodological and theoretical work.

Transferrable Skills

- The ability to argue coherently and persuasively, in (a) written and (b) verbal presentations and discussions.

- The ability to work effectively as a member of a group.

- The ability to cooperate effectively and respectfully in a multicultural environment.

- The capacity to work with a strong sense of self-direction.

- The ability to find secondary information, organize it and deploy it in an argument.

- The ability to use libraries, archives, IT, interviews and observations to gather and analyze primary source materials, and to present findings.

- The ability to display a professional commitment to ethical standards and practice.


The participants must have a solid Bachelor's or Master's degree in a social science discipline or other disciplines relevant to the program's content.


We accept applicants for the Quota Scheme from institutions/universities that are


a) formally research partners of the Department of Social Anthropology, or


b) have a formal agreement with the University of Bergen. See


In addition to a relevant academic background applicants to Master's degree programmes must meet the English Language Requirements:


Application deadline:

For international applicants residing abroad: 1 December

International applicants residing in Norway: 15 April

Norwegian applicants: 15 April

For more information please consult:


Please note that in order to attend the second year course SANT322 Anthropological Fieldwork, there is a requirement of an average result of C or better after the completion of all mandatory coursework at the end of the first year. Only those who have met the required standards will be able to proceed with the programme.






Omfang masteroppgåva

I løpet av det første vårsemesteret får studentane tildelt ein rettleiar som er ansvarleg for rettleiing når det gjeld prosjektskissa. Feltarbeidet er hovudkjelda for informasjon med omsyn til masteroppgåva (100-150 sider) som skal leverast inn i slutten av det fjerde og siste semesteret.

Rekkefølgje for emne i studiet

The first two semesters consist of intensive lecture series and regular seminars. After completion of the first year, including the submission of a research proposal, the student conducts fieldwork for one semester. Fieldwork provides materials for a thesis of maximum 35 000 words, to be submitted by the end of the final (fourth) semester.


1st semester

Two courses, each 15 credit points


2nd semester

Two courses, each 15 credit points


In the 1st spring semester students are assigned supervisors responsible for advising them in the preparation of project proposals.


Summer and 3rd semester


4th semester




Delstudium i utlandet

In the beginning of the Summer and the third semester, the student will independently undertake fieldwork and collect research data on a chosen topic.



The first two semesters consist of intensive lecture series and regular seminars. After completion of the first year, including the submission of a research proposal, the student conducts fieldwork for one semester. Fieldwork provides materials for a thesis of 80 - 90 pages (maximum 35 000 words), to be submitted by the end of the final (fourth) semester.


Combination of essay, school exam and submission of a thesis




Exam performances are evaluated according to grades A to F, with A being the highest.

Relevans for arbeidsliv

Social Anthropologists work within many different occupations, often in positions that demand interdisciplinary cooperation, and with tasks that require international competence and insight in cross-cultural issues. You will find anthropologists working in the public sector, in international organisations, at research institutions and universities, and in museums and colleges. More specific, they do counselling in relation to workplace environment, work in the social service and public health sector, with refugees and immigrants, in development projects, and with environmental protection and conservation. It is seldom that anthropologists are employed as anthropologists, but on the other hand the knowledge that an anthropologist have attained, e.g. about certain issues or ethnographic areas can be crucial in attaining a job.


The programme is evaluated regularly by an external sensor.


Dr. Vigdis Broch-Due, Professor

Tel: +47 5558 9273 / 5558 9250

Fax:+47 5558 9260

Administrativt ansvarleg

Department of Social Anthropology

University of Bergen

Fosswinkelsgt. 6

5007 Bergen


Tel: +47 5558 9250

Fax:+ 47 5558 9260



Mål og innhald

Masterprogrammet skal gi studentane innsikt i antropologiske tilnærmingsmåtar som i særleg grad er retta mot samfunnskulturelle tilhøve i eit berekraftig samfunn. Masterprogrammet set fokus på samspelet mellom prosessar i naturen og prosessar i samfunnet. Studentane skal greie ut om samspelet mellom antropologi og andre disiplinar som f.eks. økologi, demografi og økonomi.

Kursa i det første og andre semesteret omfattar intensive forelesingar, seminar og utvalde forelesingar av instituttet sine tilsette med spesialisering i utviklingsstudium. Utanlandsstudentar vil jobbe nært saman med dei tilsette og dei andre studentane på instituttet. All undervisning på dette programmet blir gitt på engelsk.

Krav til forkunnskapar

Studentane må ha ein god bachelor- eller mastergrad i samfunnsvitskapleg studieretning eller andre disiplinar som er relevante for studiet. Studentar som ikkje har tidlegare, formelle kunnskapar i antropologi vil få tett oppfølging i byrjinga av studiet.


Etter å ha fullført kursa på første året samt levert inn eit forskingsforslag, skal studentane utføre feltarbeid i 4 til 6 månader.


I løpet av det første vårsemesteret får studentane tildelt ein rettleiar som er ansvarleg for rettleiing når det gjeld prosjektskissa. Feltarbeidet er hovudkjelda for informasjon med omsyn til masteroppgåva (100-150 sider) som skal leverast inn i slutten av det fjerde og siste semesteret.


Sosialantropologar arbeider i mange ulike yrke, ofte i eit tverrfagleg samarbeid, og gjerne også i jobbar som krev internasjonal kompetanse og krysskulturell innsikt. Antropologar arbeider i den offentlege forvaltinga, i internasjonale organisasjonar, på forskingsinstitutt, universitet, museum og høgskolar, og meir spesifikt innan arbeidsmiljørådgjeving, i helse- og sosialsektoren, i arbeid med flyktningar og innvandrarar, i bistandsprosjekt, og innan miljøvern. I arbeidslivet er det sjeldan "ein antropolog" som blir tilsett, men derimot ein antropolog som har gjort feltarbeid ein viss stad, og/eller har studert særskilde tema. I jobbsamanheng fungerer antropologar ofte som utprega brubyggjarar, og her kan dei nasjonale og internasjonale kontaktane dei har skaffa seg under feltarbeidet få stor praktisk nytte.

I forhold til det ordinære masterprogrammet i sosialantropologi gir Anthropology of Development ein sterkare spissing mot utviklings- og bistandsarbeid.

Meir informasjon

E-post: Tlf.: 55 58 92 50