Studieprogram: MPHEPRO Master of Philosophy in Health Promotion - Vår 2014

Studiestart - semester

Autumn 2014

Mål og innhald

The aim of this master´s degree programme is to train health promotion specialists, prepared to participate in health promotion practice and research, and to use the findings of research to improve the quality and effectiveness of health promotion action.

The programme requires four semesters of full time study, earning 120 ECTS. The period of study is 10 months a year. Students who complete the two-year programme are awarded the degree Master of Philosophy in Health promotion.


Applicants must be prepared academically at least at the baccalaureate level or have a combination of education and experience that is equally qualifying. Applicants should have intensive study in at least one of the fields or professions most relevant to health promotion, including but not limited to psychology, sociology, medicine, dentistry, public health, anthropology, economics, and education.

Applicants may, in special cases, be exempted from the formal educational requirements if they are able to document sufficiently extended work experience that is relevant to health promotion.

Applicants must document proficiency in the English language, including reading, writing, and comprehension.


Factors taken into account in selecting successful applicants include:

  1. Depth and relevance of educational training,
  2. Extent and relevance of work experience,
  3. Degree of promise for a productive career in health promotion,
  4. Consideration to ensure diversity in the pool of students admitted to the programme,
  5. Degree of convergence of student and faculty interests.

Students are ranked and selected on the basis of their summary qualifications, taking all these factors into account.

Relevans for arbeidsliv

The academic degree Master of Philosophy in Health Promotion will be awarded to students after completion of all Modules.

Students with superior performance in the programme may be qualified for further academic work, including doctoral study. All students who complete the programme satisfactorily will be qualified for public and private positions that require entry-level skills in health promotion programme planning, implementation and evaluation. Graduates of the programme will have demonstrated skills in interdisciplinary teamwork and will know how to build and manage teams with members from different professional backgrounds. Graduates will also be qualified to work as research assistants both in industry and in the public sector.

As students are selected on the basis that they have professional qualifications prior to joining the programme, all graduates of the programme can expect that the M.Phil. degree will assist them in advancement in their own fields -- public education, nursing, medicine, clinical psychology and public administration as examples.

In Norway, health promotion specialisation is not a recognised/licensed profession (fag). Therefore those contemplating applying to the Programme should consider carefully their motivations for doing so. The most relevant motivations are to (1) add specialised competency in health promotion to one´s professional repertoire, and (2) prepare for an academic career including a PhD following the master´s degree. While there are a growing number of professional employment opportunities for those motivated by (1) above, prospective applicants motivated by (2) above should be aware that competition for admittance to PhD programmes is stiff, and the award of the MPhil degree is no guarantee of entry into a PhD programme.

Administrativt ansvarleg

Department of Health Promotion and Development


Du søkjer opptak til Det psykologiske fakultet. Søknadsfristen er 1. juni for studiestart i august. Meir informasjon om opptak og søknadsprosedyrar finn du


Mål og innhald

The purpose of this master's degree programme is to train students to become health promotion specialists, prepared to participate in health promotion practice and research, and to use the findings of research to improve the quality and effectiveness of health promotion action.

Students who complete the two-year programme are awarded the degree Master of Philosophy. This master's degree programme offers two specialisation tracks within health promotion. European students may wish to elect the European Dimension in Health Promotion Track. Students from outside Europe may wish to elect the International Health Track, which focuses on health promotion in non-Western cultures. All students are however free to elect either track, or to custom design a specialty track in collaboration with the programme director, in cases where the student has special needs. European students that complete the European Dimension Track be certified as having met the requirements of the European Master's in Health Promotion (EUMAHP) programme. The programme requires four semesters of full time study, earning 120 ECTS. The period of study is 10 months a year.

1. Required Modules first year:

2. Required Modules second year :

The master's thesis is scholarly research, intended to give students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the first year of the programme, as well as apply their own previous training and experience. In the thesis research project, the student should demonstrate skills in planning, conducting, analysing and reporting on a health promotion investigation.


Applicants must be prepared academically at least at the baccalaureate level or have a combination of education and experience that is equally qualifying. Applicants should have intensive study in at least one of the fields or professions most relevant to health promotion, including but not limited to psychology, sociology, medicine, dentistry, public health, anthropology, economics, and education.

Applicants may, in special cases, be exempted from the formal educational requirements if they are able to document sufficiently extended work experience that is relevant to health promotion.

Applicants must document proficiency in the English language, including reading, writing, and comprehension. These language skills are essential, as English is the language of instruction, examinations, written assignments, and the thesis. For students who cannot otherwise document sufficient language skills, a minimum score of 500 on the TOEFL-test or 5.0 on the IELTS is required.

Factors taken into account in selecting successful applicants include:

  1. Depth and relevance of educational training,
  2. Extent and relevance of work experience,
  3. Degree of promise for a productive career in health promotion,
  4. Consideration to ensure diversity in the pool of students admitted to the programme,
  5. Degree of convergence of student and faculty interests.

Students are ranked and selected on the basis of their summary qualifications, taking all these factors into account.


A combination of lectures, PBL and individual studies will be used, applying both qualitative and quantitative methods depending on the research topic.

Oppbygging av studiet

The Master's Programme in Health Promotion comprises two main components: a tuition part and an individual research project (Master's thesis). The tuition part comprises basic (compulsory) courses and individual studies done in collaboration with the supervisor(s). The final year consists of research and preparation of a thesis.


Students with superior performance in the programme may be qualified for further academic work, including doctoral study. All students who complete the programme satisfactorily will be qualified for public and private positions that require skills in health programme planning, implementation and evaluation. Graduates of the programme will have demonstrated skills in interdisciplinary teamwork and will know how to build and manage teams with members from different professional backgrounds. Graduates will also be qualified to work as research assistants both in industry and in the public sector.

As students are selected on the basis that they have professional qualifications prior to joining the programme, all graduates of the programme can expect that the M.Phil. degree will assist them in advancement in their own fields -- public education, nursing, medicine, clinical psychology and public administration as examples.



Administrativt ansvarleg


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