Emner: MUV280 Popular Music Studies - Høst 2014

Studienivå (studiesyklus)





Emnet vil ikke igansettes høst 2014/The course will not start fall 2014.




Mål og innhald

The course aims to give a broad basis for the study of popular music.

The course gives an introduction to central approaches in popular music studies. The course takes as a point of departure theoretical perspectives from both the social sciences and the humanities. Specific topics to be explored and discussed include the music industry; readings of popular music texts in relation to race, class, age and gender; music video and popular music in film; ethnographic and historical approaches; world music and world beat; and issues related to globalization.


Students who have completed the course

- can account for how cultural and historical conditions can affect the development of popular music genres and styles.

- recognize a broad selection of popular music genres and styles.

Krav til forkunnskapar

The course is open for students with 60 study points (ECTS credits) in subjects within the humanities and/or social sciences.

Krav til studierett

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning

Teaching takes place in the form of lectures. There is also an obligatory seminar for presentation of the term paper.

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Attendance at lectures and seminars.

The students will present their drafts of their term papers orally in seminar form.


All instruction is obligatory. Absence of more than 20% leads to loss of right to take the exam. All mandatory instruction must be completed and approved of before the exam. Approved obligatory activities are valid for 2 semesters after they are completed.


Term paper of ca. 5000-6000 words. This paper will be either a reading (analysis/interpretation) of a specific musical text, or a discussion of a research question in which the task is to set the music within a specific cultural, social or historical context. The term paper can be written in Norwegian or English.

Internal evaluation with at least two examiners.


Letter grade from A to F.

Fagleg overlapp




Reading list of approximately 1200 pages, of which some will be core readings (2/3), and the rest supporting literature. The students will themselves choose texts to use as supporting literature.


The teaching will be evaluated in accordance with the University of Bergen's quality assurance system.


Grieg Academy - Department of Music. E-mail: studierettleiar@grieg.uib.no