Emner: NUCLI362 Genetic disorders in nutrient metabolism - Høst 2014




Mål og innhald

There are a number of genetic disorders in the metabolism of several essential nutrients which molecular basis has been elucidated during the last years. Knowledge of the genetic basis can lead to increased understanding of a disease, better diagnosis and also to new treatment options. The course will focus on


Students will know about the genetic basis of disorders in nutrient metabolism, and will gain an improved understanding of physiologic regulation of nutrient metabolism. They will also learn about diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In addition, they will learn about general methods in genetic medicine and molecular nutrition.

Krav til forkunnskapar

Bachelors degree in human nutrition

Krav til studierett

Opptak til masterprogram i human ernæring, eller masterprogram i klinisk ernæring. Studentar frå andre studieretningar ved eller utanfor Universitetet i Bergen kan søke om hospitantstatus innan 1. desember / 1. juni for komande semester. Sjå http://link.uib.no/?hospitering for meir informasjon.

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning


Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Attendance of lectures


Oral examination


Written evaluation


studie-nutrition@uib.no / (+47) 55 97 73 45 / (+47) 55 58 25 35