Emner: RELV208 Samisk religion - Høst 2014



Studienivå (studiesyklus)








Mål og innhald

The course unit gives an introduction to the history of Sami religion with emphasis on the indigenous religion, but the process of religious change, different forms of Sami Christianity, and Sami religiosity today are also dealt with.

The course unit can be studied at 200 and 300 level, and it can be included as an independent unit in a Bachelor´s Programme. RELV208 is an optional unit within the Bachelor´s Programme in the History of Religions.


When the course requirements have been fulfilled, the student will have achieved the following:


Deeper knowledge about Sami religion, Pre-Christian as well as Christian, about important rituals and narratives, about central ideas and concepts, and about the interplay between religion and the rest of culture.

Knowledge about sources and methods used in the study of Sami religion.

Knowledge about some theoretical perspectives used in the study of Sami religion.

Knowledge about new and earlier research and about important scholarly issues relevant for the study of Sami religion.


Capability of analysing subject-matters in English and of drawing conclusions on one´s own.

Capability of critically examining theories and methods used in the study of Sami religion.

Capability of writing a coherent analytical text about Sami religion, thereby demonstrating a capacity for using the norms and techniques of academic writing.

General competence

Practice in handling large quantities of information and literature within a short time period, and of interpreting and presenting information.

Krav til forkunnskapar

Tilrådde forkunnskapar

The student should have a sound knowledge of English since the course literature and the lectures are in English. One also needs reading skills in either French or German.

Krav til studierett

Open access to RELV208 for all students who are matriculated at the University of Bergen. Admission to a Master´s Programme is required for RELV308.

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning

Approximately 6-10 lectures.

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet


A six hours school exam. The test consists of an essay as well as 10 questions to be answered briefly. Each of the 10 questions can give 0, 0,5 or 1 point, and in order to pass this part of the examination one has to have at least 5 points. Both parts of the examination have to be passed and the 10 questions count as 20% and the essay as 80% of the total score.

There is an examination every term.

The exam unit is open to students without study rights after an application to The Faculty of Humanities.


A graded marking scale (A to F) is used. A is the top grade and F means Failed.


The reading list runs to about 1000-1500 pages. 


In connection with the continuous work of improving education, the Institute organizes evaluations of curriculum and teaching with feedback from the students. The results of the evaluations will be the basis of modifications of syllabus, course list, curriculum and teaching.




Department of Archaeology, History, Culture Studies and Religion (AHKR)