Emner: SANT240 Poverty, Welfare and Marginalisation: An Ethnographic Approach to Modern Urban Life - Vår 2017



Studienivå (studiesyklus)

Bachelor level





Mål og innhald

Today, the majority of the world's population live in cities, and the share is predicted to grow to two-thirds over the next few decades. Many have criticised modern cities as sites of homogenisation, but cities have also been places for creating new forms of diversity. Modern cities have produced new social groups and subcultures with their own distinctive beliefs and values, with different groups seeking their own identity and place in urban areas.

The course will use ethnography to study: changing forms of poverty, the global growth of slums and ghettos, the racial-ethnic forms that class relations can assume, the welfare state and new forms of policing and social control. The curriculum will include ethnographic studies of the homeless, unemployed, drug addicts, migrant-ethnic groups, and youth subcultures. The course will not just study the poor and marginalised but also dominant institutions.

The changing affluent lifestyle of urban elites has produced new ways of privatising and fortifying urban spaces, new militarised forms of policing have emerged in response to growing class-racial inequalities. Modern cities have also involved the growth of new institutions (bureaucracies, schools, hospitals, prisons, mental asylums, police forces, factories) and these have their own internal life; their own ideologies, forms of knowledge, informal practices and policing regimes which can generate conformity, resistance and marginalisation.


Upon the completion of the course the student should be able to:


- Apply an anthropological approach to analyse the culture and social relations that can develop within cities and institutional environments.


- Trace the historical development of ideas concerning the city.


- Discuss how urban spaces and institutions can shape identities and communities.


- Analyse how urban spaces are shaped by sociocultural, political and economic processes.


- Critically evaluate theoretical approaches to understanding urban problems.

Krav til forkunnskapar

Tilrådde forkunnskapar



Krav til studierett

This course is open to students at UiB

Undervisningsformer og omfang av organisert undervisning

Lectures and workshops

4 hours per week

7 weeks

Approx. 26 hours in total

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Submission of one essay (1500 words +/- 10%). Only with an approved assignment will students be allowed to take the exam. Approved compulsory assignment is valid for 2 semesters.


8 hours written exam


Grading A-F

Fagleg overlapp

SANT230 10 credits




All courses are regularly evaluated according to UiB's quality assurance system.


Department of Social Anthropology

Fosswinckelsgate 6

5007 Bergen

Homepage: http://www.uib.no/antrohttp://www.uib.no/antro

E-mail: advice@sosantr.uib.no

Post: P.O. 7802, 5020 Bergen

Phone: +47 55 58 92 50

Fax: +47 55 58 92 60


Department of Social Anthropology