Emner: SOS117 Diverse Societies and International Migration - Vår 2020

Studienivå (studiesyklus)





Irregular - autumn

Mål og innhald

This course offers an interdisciplinary social science perspective on key theoretical and empirical implications of international migration and diverse societies. The students will be introduced to central theoretical approaches by drawing on contemporary empirical analyses of migration processes and diverse societies. Though mobility as a global and historical phenomenon will be taken into account, particular attention will be paid to migration and diversity in contemporary Europe. Accounts of the lives, experiences and transnational practices of migrants will be presented in close connection with central overarching theories of social inequality and global, political processes. The politics of international migration and the changing texture of diverse societies will offer key analytical frameworks throughout the course. SOS 117 will offer an introduction to some of the patterns, causes and consequences of migration so as to make poignant the close link between contemporary migration and global/local structures of inequality. The course will also pay attention to political approaches to migration and diversity and provide insight into some of the most controversial issues in our contemporary European political landscape.


The specific contents of the course will vary from year to year, and the course will investigate the impacts of migration and diversity across interdisciplinary empirical fields of research.


A candidate who has completed his or her qualification should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate has


The candidate

Krav til forkunnskapar

Krav til studierett

Open for all students at the University of Bergen

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Lectures: 20-24 hours

Seminars: 20-24 hours

Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Mandatory term paper (3000 words +/- 10 percent).

The essay will be commented and must be approved before the student can take the written exam.


6 hours written exam


Grading A-F


Assessment in teaching semester and the following semester (ordinary exam for students with valid and approved compulsory requirements).


The course will be evaluated by students and lecturer according to approved plan of evaluation for all bachelor and master subjects in sociology.




Department of Sociology