INF252 - emnerapport 2007 høst

Faglærers vurdering av gjennomføring

Praktisk gjennomføring

The course was structured into
-- lectures
-- reading assignments and joint discussion of literature (paper hour)
-- course assignments (programming)

More information about the structure of the course can be found at

Strykprosent og frafall

In the beginning a number of students registered for the course, 
but only seven really started -- the system reports some eleven
students who registered, but I did not see four of them; not even

After very short time, one student quit and did not continue.
With the remaining six students the course worked very well
with very good involvement of the students.

Mid-semester another student quit which was really unfortunate.
She thought that the course was too demanding given her education
up to this time.  

The remaining five students finished successfully.  Their
involvement in the course was great and also the exam was 
C, B, or A in all cases.  So that's positive.


The FS-report says it anyway: 
A: 2, 
B: 1, 
C: 2

Studieinformasjon og dokumentasjon

??  (I don't understand what I should enter here)

Tilgang til relevant litteratur

Since there's no good standard text book on visualization (yet),
selected articles have been provided through the MiSide web
portal as well as PDF copies of the slides which were used in 
the lecture.  

Faglærers vurdering av rammevilkårene

Lokaler og undervisningsutstyr

The room used 2142 (HiB) was perfectly well suited. 
The equipment available was just fine. 

Andre forhold


Faglærers kommentar til student-evalueringen(e)

Metode - gjennomføring

An extensive questionaire has been offered to the students and 
three students returned their answers.  The compiled answers 
fill three pages (too much to post here, but available on 

Oppsummering av innspill

Most comments were very positive -- that's nice!  Generally, 
the students thought that the course was too much work (not

Ev. underveistiltak

The course was given in this new ''normal'' setting (before 
the course was given in a special arrangement with blocked
lectures from abroad) for the first time and set up during 
the semester.  The course plan was slightly adapted compared
to the original plan, but not very much.  It worked quite 
well, I would say.

Faglærers samlede vurdering,
inkl. forslag til forbedringstiltak

INF252 on visualization was a really nice experience.  A small 
group of engaged students who did good work and achieved quite
a respectable level wrt. the topic.  Most feedback was very 
positive, only the amount of work necessary was considered high.
In total, the course went very well, I would say.