INFO282 - emnerapport 2008 høst

Faglærers vurdering av gjennomføring

Praktisk gjennomføring

I think the semester went quite well. Most students were hard working and genuinely interested in the course. There were five semester assignments, basically one deadline every three weeks. It was a lot of work. But most of them finished well. Student assistant is very good at helping the students and organize lab work and is also a great information channel between students and me.

Strykprosent og frafall


Studieinformasjon og dokumentasjon

Tilgang til relevant litteratur

Sometimes the textbook is not very good for some topics, I therefore had covered a list of relevant literature during class out of the pensum. Students could go and check them after class. In addition, some students themselves found some literature on the Internet and shared with other students. 

Faglærers vurdering av rammevilkårene

Lokaler og undervisningsutstyr

Good. There were a few times the projector did not start up. It must be restarted several times. 

Andre forhold

Faglærers kommentar til student-evalueringen(e)

Metode - gjennomføring

Oppsummering av innspill

Most of the comments from the students are positive, especially the exchange students. They were quite satisfied with the course and gave constructive comments. 

There were some comments on lab work. We had planned some activities (group exercises, presentations), but the students wanted to use the time working on their assignments. 

A few of the comments gave feedback on the teaching, which are important for future improvement. For example, some material may have been gone through rather fast, some students were not able to follow. If one missed a lecture and did not read the pensum, then it was hard for him/her to follow the next lecture. So it is crucial to emphasize the importance of attending the lecture and spend more time explaining topics that students might miss.

Ev. underveistiltak

Faglærers samlede vurdering,
inkl. forslag til forbedringstiltak