INFO310 - emnerapport 2009 høst

Faglærers vurdering av gjennomføring

Praktisk gjennomføring

The teaching was part lecture, part student presentation, and part exercises. I think it worked well.

Strykprosent og frafall


Studieinformasjon og dokumentasjon

Student portal was a little confusing. People often submitted into the wrong folder, or did not find folders. We had to email around the long links. It is a bit of a cumbersome system!

Tilgang til relevant litteratur

The pensum was o.k. It was not a text book as such, but more a technical book. But it was sufficiently clear I think for students to understand.

Faglærers vurdering av rammevilkårene

Lokaler og undervisningsutstyr

Andre forhold

Faglærers kommentar til student-evalueringen(e)

Metode - gjennomføring

Oppsummering av innspill

Ev. underveistiltak

Faglærers samlede vurdering,
inkl. forslag til forbedringstiltak

I think next time I would cut back slightly the number of topics covered, as we did need to race through the practical exercises at times.