INFO361 - emnerapport 2010 høst

Faglærers vurdering av gjennomføring

Praktisk gjennomføring

There were whole-day seminars (combinations of lectures, discussions, and student presentations) every second week. Between the seminars the students were reading and working on their individual and group assignments. The format seems appropriate for a masters level course.

Strykprosent og frafall


Studieinformasjon og dokumentasjon

The course site in My Space contained all necessary information, including course literature, lecture notes, and teacher's announcements.

Tilgang til relevant litteratur

The course books were available at the UiB bookstore; the articles could be downloaded from My Space.

Faglærers vurdering av rammevilkårene

Lokaler og undervisningsutstyr

A bigger seminar room would be more appropriate for 18 students.

Andre forhold

Faglærers kommentar til student-evalueringen(e)

Metode - gjennomføring

Oppsummering av innspill

Four students completed an anomymous survey. Their assessment of various aspects of the course was generally positive(mostly "Good", "Appropriate", or "Fairly good").

Ev. underveistiltak

Faglærers samlede vurdering,
inkl. forslag til forbedringstiltak

My overall assessment of the course is positive. The oral exam showed that many students succeeded in getting a good grasp of the most advanced concepts studied within the course. 

There are also some areas for improvement. The final grade was determined by a number of activities, including written assignments (60%: smaller assignments, 20%, and term paper, 40%) and oral exam (40%). This examination structure did work, but was probably a bit too complicated. A little simpler exam structure would be more preferable. In addition, students' written reflections on the course revealed, for instance, that some of the articles were very difficult for the students to grasp, and that the theoretical concepts studied within the course could be better illustrated with concrete examples. These comments will be taken into account when choosing specific literature and learning activities in the future.