KOGVIT101 - emnerapport 2010 vår

Faglærers vurdering av gjennomføring

Praktisk gjennomføring

The teaching was part lecture, and part workshop. The workshops were used to present an in depth look at the issues brought up in lectures. We covered more recent and challenging materials, like the role of evolution in cognition. We also did some practical work in which students participated in experiments and learned how to analyze the results, and we did some modeling and simulation. 

The students found the lectures interesting in my opinion, and we had quite high attendance. 

Strykprosent og frafall

I was a little disappointed at the final results. Some of the failed papers seemed to make very little effort at all.


Studieinformasjon og dokumentasjon

Tilgang til relevant litteratur

The pensum was o.k. It presented the subject from quite a high level, considering more the philosophical aspects of research rather than the nitty details. This is quite different from typical textbooks. But it was sufficiently clear I think for students to understand. One advantage is that the book covered the whole field of cognitive science and how they interact, rather than just the details of one discipline.
Perhaps this "big picture" approach was a bit difficult for students. 

Faglærers vurdering av rammevilkårene

Lokaler og undervisningsutstyr

The lecture room in the student centre, and the tutorial room in the SV byggett were too small and we often had to crowd in.

Andre forhold

As I already mentioned, the rooms were quite small and the projection facilities were quite messy and difficult to use. In the student centre I never managed to hook up my Mac.

Faglærers kommentar til student-evalueringen(e)

Metode - gjennomføring

Oppsummering av innspill

Ev. underveistiltak

Faglærers samlede vurdering,
inkl. forslag til forbedringstiltak